Facts are stubborn.

Calm. Grace. Resolve.
About Rich Nichols
Rich is a lawyer, counselor, pundit and strategic legal crisis and communications expert.
But above all, Rich is revered as a vigilant protector of brands and reputations.
Often called on to respond –in real-time–Rich discreetly and confidentially provides advice and counsel to high-profile, corporate executives, professional athletes, entertainers, municipal agencies, school districts and others facing “live” social and mainstream media-driven crises that demand immediate attention and public comment.
Principals entangled in the BALCO performance enhancing drug case, and university executives embroiled in the Penn State child sex-abuse scandal, called on Rich to guide them through two of the biggest brand and reputational scandals and crises in the history of sports.
With commanding skill, calm, grace, resolve and the attorney-client privilege, Rich routinely provides the advice and counsel required to effectively resolve the clients’ pressing communications crises and effectively creates and delivers substantive, defensible, truthful, fact-based responses instead of emotional reactions to red-hot media demands.
Work with Rich
Protect Your Brand with the Facts
Protect Your Reputation with the Truth
Protect Your Crisis Communications Plan
with the Attorney-Client Privilege
Often called on to serve as on-camera spokesperson, Rich Nichols has sparred with some of media’s heavyweights such as Nora O’Donnell on CBS 60 Minutes.
Over the last two (2) decades, Nichols has created and deployed strategic media plans and crisis communications strategies for clients embroiled in at least two of the largest domestic and international, media-driven, white-collar criminal-related controversies in the business of sports.
Rich is a lawyer, consultant, author and legal crisis manager providing strategic counsel to high profile, under scrutiny clients.
He has more than 30-years of experience in the business of sports, politics, finance, venture capital and technology. Known as a vigilant protector of brands and reputations, Rich has safeguarded professional athletes, college and professional coaches, sports executives, teams, leagues, events, sports properties and investors.
Legal Crisis Communications
Nichols has handled the cases of celebrated Olympic Champions and international sports icons embroiled in what were characterized at their respective times as the biggest scandals in sports history.
He has supported corporate finance executives and financial services companies entangled in myriad government civil and criminal investigations, as well as certain principals embroiled in the high-profile Penn State scandal.

Proactive Representation of High-Profile Executives
In addition to Nichols’ considerable experiences in the sports industry, he has also proactively managed mission-critical crises and communications for high-profile executives and financial services companies entangled in myriad government civil and criminal investigations. If the information is mismanaged, and erroneously reported in the mainstream and social media, it could instantly—in the time it takes a tweet to be published—ruin their reputations and careers.