Legal Crisis Communications
If you’re the general counsel of a company, enterprise or high-profile individual, all the problems eventually land on your desk.

When such a challenge hits your desk and you immediately but quietly wince, that’s when you call Rich.
Instinctively, as counsel you know that if not properly managed, the problem will evolve into a corporate crisis that will be driven by mainstream and social media, and that your clients’ established, valuable brand, reputation and valuation is a 140 character tweet away from oblivion.
You must be Proactive
You must be Prudent
You must be Ready to Respond
You must be Decisive
The actions you take and public statements you make must be true, defensible and most importantly, based on fact.
Facts are stubborn.
The truth is unforgiving.
To preserve your clients’ brand and reputation you must proactively uncover your facts and strategically communicate your clients’ truth.
You need someone who has led teams through high-profile legal and crisis communications battles.
You need someone who understands your legal challenges and the sometimes “bet the farm” high-stakes consequences that ride on your first public response about the serious, sometimes existential challenges confronting your client.
You need Rich Nichols.

Get Your Facts Straight.