Legal Analysis and Punditry
“Mr. Soundbyte”
That’s the nickname a very prominent San Francisco television political news reporter for the local NBC affiliate gave Rich Nichols 35 years ago.
Whether the “it” was in writing or the spoken word, that reporter knew Rich could “give it” to her in 10, 30 or 60 second bytes.
The “it” was the ability to succinctly, and in plain English, communicate the pertinent facts that would educate viewers about the legal and political issues embedded in the subject of the reporter’s story.
Succinct, factual, clear and informative “messaging” is the “holy grail” in crisis communications.
As a spokesperson or media pundit, in 10, 30 or 60 seconds, Rich can provide a cogent, provocative, punchy, on-air observation, opinion or analysis of the sum and substance of the complex political or legal subject matter of the day.

The “Go To” Source for Facts
“Mr. Soundbyte” became that San Francisco political reporter’s “go to” source for facts, explanations, clarifications, opinions and oral commentary on all complex political issues that confronted and sometimes confounded the very engaged, educated, vibrant and eclectic electorate in the City by the Bay.